भाकृअनुप - सरसों अनुसंधान निदेशालय
ICAR-Directorate of Rapeseed-Mustard Research
(Indian Council of Agricultural Research)
Sewar, Bharatpur 321303 (Rajasthan), India

Salient Achievements

The ICAR-Directorate of Rapeseed-Mustard Research is playing a key role in advancing rapeseed-mustard research in frontier areas through multidisciplinary approach. The most significant achievements of this directorate include:

Crop Improvement | Crop Production | Crop Protection | Plant Biochemistry | Plant Biotechnology
Technology Assessment and Dissemination | Agriculture Knowledge Management | All Achievements

Crop Production

  • Application of vermicompost @ 5.0 t/ha or FYM @ 10.0 t/ha + 75% recommended fertility level (80:40:0) gave 5-10% higher seed yield over recommended fertility.
  • Incorporation of mustard residue (2.5 t/ha) + Sesbania green manuring or Sesbania green manure + Azotobacter (seed treatment) enhanced the mustard seed yield up to 50% over the fallow–mustard crop sequence.
  • Conventional soil fertility management significantly improved mustard seed yield than moderate and subsistence fertility management practices. Overall, use of organic source increased the seed yield by 50.6% over conventional control.
  • Among the cropping systems, the system productivity was higher in maize-mustard system (6098 kg/ha) followed by green gram-mustard (5301 kg/ha), cluster bean-mustard (3914 kg/ha), pearl millet-mustard (3889 kg/ha), sesame-mustard (3649 kg/ha) and the lowest in fallow-mustard system (3031 kg/ha).
  • Use of organic source increased the seed yield by 15.2 and 24.0% over conventional absolute control (no fertilizer), respectively. Supplementing organic source with chemical fertilizers further augmented the seed yield by 22.4% due to MFM (50% RDF).
  • Among the cropping systems, mono-cropping system (fallow-mustard) recorded highest seed yield (2861 kg/ha) followed by double cropping systems i.e., green gram- mustard (2731 kg/ha) and maize-mustard (2676 kg/ha).
  • Zinc application increased seed yield by 20% in Indian mustard at 37.5 kg ZnSO4/ha. Average response of Aravalli, Laxmi and Vardan varieties of Indian mustard to boron ranged from 21-31% at 20 kg borax/ha.
  • Seed yield increased significantly (16-47%) with the application of boron up to 20 kg borax/ ha, which was due to increased seeds / Thermos and 1000-seed weight.
  • Pearl millet + cluster bean (as fodder) –mustard sequence followed by Pearl millet + black gram–mustard cropping systems were identified as most remunerative under rainfed conditions.
  • About 50% irrigation water can be saved by the adoption of drip and micro-sprinkler irriga-tion along with 25-30 % yield enhancement. A net saving of 30 % irrigation water can be done with FIRB along with 20-25% yield enhancement as compared to conventional method.
  • Furrow irrigated raised-bed system reduced water requirement by one-third but increased the mustard seed yield by 9.9%.
  • Out of various combinations used for enhancing resource use efficiency through nano particles, the seed treatment with Titanium oxide @ 1000 ppm resulted in maximum increase in seed yield, harvest index, oil productivity, profitable efficiency and economics.
  • The maximum Orobanche control efficiency was recorded in soybean oil followed by directed spray of glyphosate @ 0.5%.
  • In long term experiment with four oilseed Brassica production system with three land use management levels, conventional fertility management significantly improved mustard yield by 24.5% over MFM.